Thursday, 28 February 2008


by I. N. J. Culbard
Did we just go daily?


mrphoenix said...

Hmmmmmm! Crazy!

Craig Conlan said...

Nice one. like the fump! pose! I nearly made that ghosty bloke lord robin yesterday! But I figured he's the resistance, or something. And a tulpa's more interesting. Right, who's next?

D.TAYLOR said...

No, hang on...I mean HUZZAH!!

I. N. J. Culbard said...

The funny thing about this page is that we somehow managed to get around Rule 2.

Craig Conlan said...

RE. Rule 02- I did consider this, but my interpretation of woodrow's tier was that the main thrust of his story was getting Noah into that gate, and his last panel was a funny aside from our favourite lush lady. Woods had after all introduced the whodunnit guests into the drawing room, but took our detective out of there. Although had the armour not been brought up he may not have. That's the game. And we've been on earth for a bit, and the space stuff has to tie in to the overall story. And we're about 1/3 in! So that was my train of thought.

Unknown said...

Ian... how you do dat so fast?!?!!???

I. N. J. Culbard said...

Hey, Craig, I ain't knocking it. I think it works great.

D'israeli, I employ elves. They're quite cheap. 20 pence and a clip round the ear ;-)

Actually, I'm writing this entry up on my blog as we speak. I managed to keep the pencils. The actual work took me between two - three hours in total. Not as quick as the one before this. That one was a lot quicker.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Oh bugger!