Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Page 48 Plate 3

Thanks everyone. It's been grand!


D.TAYLOR said...

Ee! Yuv dun uz proud lad!

I. N. J. Culbard said...

EXCELLENT! Great work, Col, and a Happy New Year!

Naldoman said...


Rob Davis said...

Nice. Really like this last panel. Feels sort of Citizen Kane.

The story almost seems to make sense, I'll have to read it all start to finish to see if it's just an illusion.

Well done chaps!

NP said...

Great denoument! I'm only sorry I couldn't help out! Brilliant piece of work, Col, I had a feeling you were looking to wrap this thing up, and what style!

Jed A said...

Nice work one and all!

Roll on Huzzah!